Is Summer Over Already?
Every year from late August to the first week of September, I get a little melancholy. Even now, in my 60’s, I dread the end of summer and the start of the school year. This is very strange, considering how long I stayed in school! I think it is the end of the carefree time we spend in summer and the start of greater commitment and rigor that comes with school, new work commitments or projects that challenge us. I think this rhythm is healthy and when done well, creates more creative energy for us to apply to our lives in general. The contrast between leisure and a focus on fun and increasing responsibility creates tension and that tension creates energy. Like pulling back on a bow or compressing a spring, we can use that tension to positive effect, but we need both components to generate that power. We need time to play and relax and not feel compelled to manage a tight schedule. Equally, we need to be pushed to honor commitments and stretch ourselves to achieve challenging goals. Honor each in its turn. Don’t wait until next summer to find time to disconnect and regenerate and don’t wait too long in leisure to re-commit to your next challenge. Be intentional about how you create and use this cycle of rest and challenge. How long should each cycle be for you?
Be well,
Stu Freed MD