As winter roles in like a blanket to put nature to sleep, we too are called inward. Shorter days and cold, stormy weather prompt many of us to reflect on what and who are most important to us. Just like nature around us, we need time to pause, rest and reflect. As you find yourself paused in front of the fire or looking at winter’s changes through your kitchen window, coffee in hand, try to be intentional in your reflection. Triumph or failure, both offer us important lessons if we choose to learn them. Beware the risk of rumination. Our brains will naturally revisit challenging or traumatic episodes and rerun the tape, repeatedly. When you find yourself ruminating in this way, try to reframe your thoughts to curiosity. Instead of asking “why did this happen, try asking what can I learn from this? “ “What do I value most and am I living in a way to support those values?” So lean into winter. Use this time of darkness and cold to let your roots develop underneath, so that you are ready to spring up and grow next year.